I enjoy performing solo and have been doing so since 2018. To me, the solo format represents a unique way of communicating musical ideas, outlining where you are as an improviser and most importantly indicate your future direction. I released my debut solo record ‘Flux’ back in 2019 followed by a 7-date UK release tour covering some of my favourite venues like The Vortex, IKLECTIK and the YARMONICS festival. 

Emil played with such delicacy and precision, managing to draw the audience in to each nuanced rub, hit and stroke. Completely at home in the enormous acoustic shell of the Minster, Emil became fluent in the language of the church, responding to its creaks and distant footsteps, and toying with its joyful reverberation - a special moment, when distant church bells invited Emil to duet, provided a spell of glorious harmony with his surroundings both near and far
— Yarmonics (festival)